Highlights & Insights on European Taxation <strong>H&amp;I makes European tax accessible</strong><br />
<p>H&amp;I contains extensive information about all recent developments in European Taxation in the area of VAT, direct taxation, customs and excise, mutual aid and state aid including comments by specialists. H&amp;I is published in the English language.</p>

Highlights & Insights on European Taxation

H&I makes European tax accessible

H&I contains extensive information about all recent developments in European Taxation in the area of VAT, direct taxation, customs and excise, mutual aid and state aid including comments by specialists. H&I is published in the English language.

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Auteurs/redactie (o.m.):
Highlights & Insights on European Taxation <strong>H&amp;I makes European tax accessible</strong><br />
<p>H&amp;I contains extensive information about all recent developments in European Taxation in the area of VAT, direct taxation, customs and excise, mutual aid and state aid including comments by specialists. H&amp;I is published in the English language.</p>
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Content in short
All recent judgments of the Court of Justice in the area of direct taxation, VAT, customs & excise, mutual aid and state aid. Also relevant judgments of the General Court and the ECHR.

All relevant press releases, Communications, Directives and reports in the area of taxes from the European Commission, the Council of the EU and the European Parliament
New cases that have been brought to the CJ
Important cases from national courts

Everything with a clear and critical comment from specialists in these areas

Online, keeps you up-to-date all times
Magazine, 12 times a year

Tax specialists in the EU. Summaries and comments for H&I are contributed daily by around 100 authors from various Member States within and immediately connected to the European Union.

Editorial Board
The content of H&I is prepared under the supervision of three experts who are the Members of the Editorial Board. Each is responsible for directing the authors and for the accuracy of the substance of the submitted articles which fall under their own area of expertise: direct taxation, VAT, customs and excise.

  • Dennis Weber (General editor)
  • Piet Jan de Jonge (Customs)
  • Giorgio Beretta (VAT)

Auteurs / Redactie







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